Why do I have to send a text message to register?
We want to make sure that those who register are real people and that no one but you are using your email address for registration. When you send us a text message, we respond with a text message to your phone that contains a unique ID that you need to complete registration.
What if I want to remain anonymous?
The Human Rights Video Hub Pilot gladly accepts anonymous submissions. We understand that, in certain circumstances, people may feel more comfortable submitting material that is not attached to their identity. To that end, you DO NOT have to register to participate, even when using the Witness Mobile Application. However, registration allows us to contact you if your video was chosen for publication on the Global Voices site. Please be aware that your mobile phone service provider CAN track your mobile activity, however. For more information on this, please visit the privacy section of this site.
How do I know if my video was accepted?
If you are a registered user, we will send you an email to inform you that your video will be published. If you are an anonymous user, please visit the Global Voices site regularly to check and see if your submission was accepted.
How long will it take to publish videos?
All submitted material has to go through an administration process before publication. Depending on the number of submissions, this may take a while. If you are a registered user, we will notify you via email as soon as we can.
I downloaded the Witness Mobile Application, but it does not seem to be working?
The Witness Mobile Application has been extensively tested on Nokia camera phones and should work on any phone that takes video. However, it is a beta version. If your application is not working please send us an email at witnessapplication@freeformed.org. In this email, please include the make and model of your phone and your mobile service provider. In the meantime, you can submit videos by sending them in an MMS message to witness@freeformed.org.
I would like to get involved in the Human Rights Video Hub Pilot. Who do I contact?
If you would like to get involved in this project, or have feedback you would like to share, please send an email to videohub@freeformed.org.